August 4, 2023
Technical & Crypto

Configuring MetaMask For Use With Audius

This guide is for users who are familiar with blockchain technology and wish to use MetaMask with Audius. It's important to note that this is not a recommended approach as it will degrade your experience on Audius. If you decide to proceed, the following steps will help you configure and use MetaMask with Audius.

All data written to Audius lives on-chain through a clever combination of Ethereum, Solana, and an Audius-specific decentralized EVM blockchain run across discovery nodes.

In order to create an account with your core data using MetaMask instead of Hedgehog, you must configure MetaMask to work with Audius Discovery Nodes.

Conveniently, each Discovery Node provides an EVM-compatible RPC gateway to do so.

Adding a MetaMask Network

  1. Click on the Networks drop-down menu in MetaMask and then click “Add network”
  2. Choose “Add Network” and fill in the following details:

    Network name: Audius

    New RPC URLhttps://discoveryprovider.audius.co/chain
    Enter any Audius discovery node with “/chain” suffixed. A convenient list of all nodes is available at api.audius.co

    Chain ID: 31524

    Currency Symbol: -
    The discovery network operates without gas fees, so “-” is sufficient.

Signing Up

If you have MetaMask configured for Audius usage, when you visit audius.co/signup, you’ll see a Sign Up With MetaMask option.

Make sure your MetaMask is set to the Audius Network

Signing In

Similarly to Signing Up, when you visit audius.co/signin, you’ll see a Sign in With MetaMask option.

Make sure your MetaMask is set to the Audius Network!